The 2015 batch of NALSAR, Hyderabad has secured placements for all its students who opted to sit for recruitment..According to a press release issued by the University’s Recruitment Co-ordination Committee, all 52 students who sat for placements were offered jobs. The 2015 batch had a strength of 74..The accepted offers include 32 from law firms, with Khaitan & Co and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas leading the way with 7 hires each. The students also secured a number of in-house jobs, with Infosys making 4 hires..The press release stated,.“Whereas the upbeat market did help in the recruitment process, the lack of PSUs coming to law school campuses did mean we had to approach new organisations. This also resulted in a few candidates, who had originally subscribed to the RCC, dropping out of the RCC process to take the CLAT LLM exam which is the qualifier for such positions with PSUs which were earlier regular recruiters on campus.”.The RCC comprised Anandita Thass, Anjali Rawat, Archit Bhatnagar, Nishant Prasad, Preethi Correa, Rohan Muralidharan Iyer, Sandipan De, Tanay Agarwal and Yashashree Mahajan..Here is the breakup of the recruitments:
The 2015 batch of NALSAR, Hyderabad has secured placements for all its students who opted to sit for recruitment..According to a press release issued by the University’s Recruitment Co-ordination Committee, all 52 students who sat for placements were offered jobs. The 2015 batch had a strength of 74..The accepted offers include 32 from law firms, with Khaitan & Co and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas leading the way with 7 hires each. The students also secured a number of in-house jobs, with Infosys making 4 hires..The press release stated,.“Whereas the upbeat market did help in the recruitment process, the lack of PSUs coming to law school campuses did mean we had to approach new organisations. This also resulted in a few candidates, who had originally subscribed to the RCC, dropping out of the RCC process to take the CLAT LLM exam which is the qualifier for such positions with PSUs which were earlier regular recruiters on campus.”.The RCC comprised Anandita Thass, Anjali Rawat, Archit Bhatnagar, Nishant Prasad, Preethi Correa, Rohan Muralidharan Iyer, Sandipan De, Tanay Agarwal and Yashashree Mahajan..Here is the breakup of the recruitments: