Liquor Alcohol
Liquor Alcohol

State cannot hide behind cloak of policy when its action can kill in droves: Madras HC stands by Liquor Shop closure order amid COVID-19

Inter alia, the Madurai Bench of the High Court observed, "When a myopic State policy stands pitted against public health, the natural choice should be to protect the latter at the cost of the former."
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The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Monday expressed its complete agreement with the order passed last Friday by the Principal Bench to close all TASMAC/liquor shops in Tamil Nadu amid the COVID-19 Lockdown.

Today, the Supreme Court is due to hear a plea filed challenging this closure order.

Also Read
Breaking: Madras High Court order directing closure of TASMAC/liquor shops in Tamil Nadu amid Lockdown challenged in Supreme Court
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