Judges of the Kerala High Court stamped their superiority over the lawyers in a cricket match between them and the High Court Bar Association..The match held on March 5 in Cochin, inaugurated the XIV Easwara Iyer Trophy, a Kerala inter-Bar cricket tournament. The judges ran roughshod over the lawyers and went on to score 97 runs in the allotted 10 overs..Justice R. Basant, who used to be a top cricket player during his college days, led the bowling attack. The Bar, who called themselves President’s XI, managed to score a paltry 41..The Judges showed determination from the word go. Justice Thottatil B. Radhakrishnana sustained an injury in his bid to score an extra run. The other members of the Judge’s XI team consisted of Justices A. K. Basheer, K .M. Joseph, C. T. Ravikumar, V. K .Mohanan, M. Sasidharan Nambiar and K. Surendra Mohan. ‘Man of the Match’ Justice Ravindran scored 24 runs off 10 balls..With the law firms and Bar Associations indulging in cricket, it may not be far to see some judges represent India in the next lawyers cricket world cup that is scheduled to be hosted in Sydney in January 2011.
Judges of the Kerala High Court stamped their superiority over the lawyers in a cricket match between them and the High Court Bar Association..The match held on March 5 in Cochin, inaugurated the XIV Easwara Iyer Trophy, a Kerala inter-Bar cricket tournament. The judges ran roughshod over the lawyers and went on to score 97 runs in the allotted 10 overs..Justice R. Basant, who used to be a top cricket player during his college days, led the bowling attack. The Bar, who called themselves President’s XI, managed to score a paltry 41..The Judges showed determination from the word go. Justice Thottatil B. Radhakrishnana sustained an injury in his bid to score an extra run. The other members of the Judge’s XI team consisted of Justices A. K. Basheer, K .M. Joseph, C. T. Ravikumar, V. K .Mohanan, M. Sasidharan Nambiar and K. Surendra Mohan. ‘Man of the Match’ Justice Ravindran scored 24 runs off 10 balls..With the law firms and Bar Associations indulging in cricket, it may not be far to see some judges represent India in the next lawyers cricket world cup that is scheduled to be hosted in Sydney in January 2011.