NLU Jodhpur
NLU Jodhpur

Third NLUJ CSBF Essay Writing Competition

CSBF was established by the RBI to provide a venue for scholars and practitioners to exchange views on banking and financial systems through its various undertakings and activities.
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The Centre for Studies in Banking and Finance (“CSBF”), National Law University, Jodhpur is inviting submissions for the “THIRD NLUJ CSBF ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION, 2022” in association with JSA as their intellectual partner and Eastern Book Company (EBC) and SCC Online as their knowledge and research partners.

The Centre for Studies in Banking and Finance (“CSBF”), National Law University, Jodhpur was established by the Reserve Bank of India in 2002 to provide a venue for scholars and practitioners to exchange views on banking and financial systems through its various undertakings and activities. The Centre seeks to promote vibrancy and increase intellectual participation in the banking sector, capital markets, and other sectors related to financial services.


[A] Future of Alternative Investment Funds: New Investment Market and Corporate Governance Competitor

[B] Validity of ESOPs to Non-permanent Employees: Implications of SEBI’s Recommendation

[C] RBI’s crusade against IPO financing

[D] MSME stress and the efficacy of Pre-pack

[E] Analyzing the liability of a guarantor after completion of CIRP in light of the Indian Contracts Act

[F] Issues with Over Valuation of Startups getting listed.


All students pursuing under-graduate (three/five year courses) or postgraduate law degrees from any law school/university/college recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate in the Competition.

Submission Guidelines

1. The first page of the submission should only contain the title of the paper, followed by the 200 word abstract.

The second page must contain a table of contents, and the main body of the manuscript should begin immediately thereafter.

2. The word limit for the essay is 3500 words. The word limit is exclusive of the footnotes.

3. All the submissions must be an original and unpublished work of the author(s). All the submissions will be checked for plagiarism and those with plagiarism percentage over the permissible limit (i.e., 20%) will be summarily rejected.

4. Disclosure of information regarding the identity of the author(s), including, but not limited to name, institutional assistance, professional details, etc., within the body of the manuscript or other properties of the document submitted is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the anonymity requirement will lead to disqualification of the manuscript for the purposes of the competition.

5. Formatting Guidelines: Garamond; Size 12; Justified; 1.5 Spacing. Footnoting Guidelines: Garamond; Size 10; Justified; 1 spacing.

6. The participants are required to submit their manuscript ONLY by filling out the Google Form. The form can be accessed by clicking here. The link to our form would also be available on our official website:

Citation Guidelines

1. The authorities must be cited in the form of footnotes.

2. Citations must follow a uniform format of citation throughout the submission.

3. The participants are required to provide the title of the name of the author, article/report/blog, date of publication, and active web-link for the authorities cited wherever possible.

4. In case of large documents such as reports, long articles, cases, etc. the author(s) must include the relevant paragraph/page of the authority being cited.

5. Speaking/explanatory citations are discouraged.

Competition Guidelines

1. A co-authorship of not more than two (2) authors is permitted.

2. By submitting the article, the author(s) forfeit their copyright over their manuscript in favor of the organizers.

3. In case of any dispute, the decision of the organizers will be final and binding. The Centre retains absolute discretion in marking the manuscripts.

Important Dates

Last date for submission of manuscripts: March 05, 2022

Tentative dates of announcement of results: first week of May, 2022


[A] First Prize: ₹25,000 /- and a merit certificate.

[B] Second Prize: ₹20,000/- and a merit certificate.

[C] Third Prize: ₹15,000/- and a merit certificate.

[D] Certificate for special mention to the fourth and fifth best entry.

[E] The authors of the top five entries will be considered for an internship at JSA.

[F] The top five entries will be considered for publication on the CSBF blog.

[G] One year access cards to SCC Online Platinum Edition to the five winning participants.

[H] One year access cards to EBC Learning to the five winning participants.


Mr. Ayush Gattani +9179769-74797, Email:

Mr. Vedaant Agarwal +91-90222-26663, Email:

(Co-Convenor, Centre for Studies in Banking and Finance)


The Third NLUJ CSBF Essay Writing Competition, 2022.pdf

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