Meet our Campus Ambassadors: Abhinav Anand, DSNLU

Abhinav Anand is a second-year student at the Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University
Campus Ambassador
Campus Ambassador
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2 min read

Since late last year, we have built a network of Campus Ambassadors across more than fifty law schools all over India. These law students have been providing us with information on campus events and activities, and also sharing legal articles.

This series of interviews is meant to turn the spotlight on these hardworking and dedicated individuals.

In this edition, we speak with Abhinav Anand a second-year student at the Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU).

(Edited excerpts)

Abhinav Anand, DSNLU
Abhinav Anand, DSNLU

Why did you choose Law?

I came from a middle-class family. Primarily, my inclination was towards pursuing my career in the field of Engineering but after seeing the competitive environment and death of quality opportunities in the said field, I chose to move to some other field.

Subsequently, I ended up choosing Law because after talking to some of my friends from the same background I realised that Law has also highest degree of relevancy with Science. One need to be very critical and analytical for solution-oriented approach.

Why did you choose to become Campus Ambassador for Bar & Bench?

These days I think there is enough communication gap among law students and opportunities available for them. The initiative of Bar & Bench bridged that gap and help law students to develop inquisitive interest in recent legal happening across the globe and in the country.

Further, the different kind of content and analysis published on the Bar & Bench develops a critical and analytical approach in the student while dealing with legal issues.

What are your plans after graduation?

I am looking forward for career opportunities in Intellectual Property Laws which is one of the most demanding area emerged globally. So, I have started my entire research skills and resume building in a way so that I can develop the employability in Intellectual Property area.

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