International E-Conference on "Contemporary Challenges in Effective Implementation of Consumer Laws" (Register by 24 Feb)

The seminar is expected to accommodate seven resource persons to deliver the ongoing trends in the respect of Consumer law practice and advocacy.
International E-Conference on "Contemporary Challenges in Effective Implementation of Consumer Laws" (Register by 24 Feb)
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3 min read

The Legal Aid Clinic of any law school is one of the most important student body with an attitude to impart the students an exceller experience by providing them with practical experience that goes hand in hand with the academics.

The committee aims to mould well informed and aware citizens of the country on women rights and provide room of discourse, dissent, and discussion in the student community.

School of Law and Governance, CUSB is contributing towards legal education which helps in bringing and establishing socio-economic justice.

Therefore, department of School of Law and Governance purports to provide quality legal education to the law students taking into consideration the changing needs of the society and in the changing era of globalization. At the same time, this department purports to provide traditional views of legal education and research as well because they have become relic of the past.

Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) was established under the Central Universities Act, 2009, with the motto, "Collective Reasoning". The University has been conducting its academic and other activities in its campus which extends over 300 acres at Panchanpur (near Gaya town).

The School of Law and Governance is a pioneer in grooming modern day legal professionals with a multidisciplinary edge by providing specialization in Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law, Taxation Law, International Trade & Investment, Banking, Finance & Insurance, IPR, Environment Law and Medical & Forensic Law.


In any educational institution of Law, the students work towards playing the role of social engineer by spreading the letter of law to the society by providing those letters with spirit of law. In order to functioning of the Legal Aid Clinic properly, the students need to face the gravity of time and changing trends. Owing to the present pandemic situation, this seminar is proposed to be conducted in online mode only via using the platforms like google meet etc.

The seminar is expected to accommodate 7 resource persons to deliver the ongoing trends in the respect of Consumer law practice and advocacy. The students of Law shall get benefitted through this seminar. The earlier Act of Consumer law (1986 Act) has been repealed by the new Act of 2019. Series of new addition has been brought inside the new Act. Also, the students who had learnt the consumer law before 2019 enactment, deserve to receive insights of the new Act and emerging trends in the subject area of law.

The speakers for this event are purported as intelligence and idol for the specialized area of Consumer Law. We are proposing the illuminating upcoming experience to students of law as a whole. The seminar is expected to be conducted at international level to provide the young brains of law students with exposure and great value addition.

Themes - "Contemporary Challenges in Effective Implementation of Consumer Laws"

Sub Themes

Comparative study of Consumer rights in south Asia with special reference to Nepal.

Future of ODR as a mode of resolution of consumer disputes in India.

Laws and Reality of Consumer Rights in Bangladesh.

Challenges ahead with respect to the Consumer dispute resolution in the

Last Date for Registration: 24 February, 2022

Conference on 25 and 26 February, 2022

Registration Fee: NIL

Registration Link.

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ANUSHKA +91 7651908323

SAKSHI ANAND +91 8252610086

SUDHANSHU SACHAN +91 9470218796

International E-Conference - Brochure.pdf

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