Call for Papers: DNLU Journal of Legal Studies

The journal encourages holistic research and welcome submissions, on any topic of law of contemporary relevance, from academicians, legal practitioners, and researchers.
DNLU, Jabalpur
DNLU, Jabalpur
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3 min read

The Dharmashastra National Law University – Journal of Legal Studies (DNLU – JLS) is an initiative by the Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur.

DNLU – JLS is a flagship faculty run, double-blind peer reviewed law journal that aims to provide a unique forum for all those who are interested in legal studies to present their scholarly contributions.

It is an academic journal which aims to publish high quality scholarship on law and legal studies spanning all areas including comparative, international, and multidisciplinary perspectives. The venture has been initiated to fulfil the mandate of promoting research, scholarship, and writing among the legal diaspora. 

The initiative aims to enable such scholarship to reach a wider audience, and hence encourage involvement in research. The journal is well-placed to build on the Institute’s national role in facilitating legal research developing its own role in publishing articles from diverse legal background.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the journal encourages holistic research and welcome submissions, on any topic of law of contemporary relevance, from academicians, legal practitioners, and researchers. All submissions will go through a rigorous review process and editing by the Editorial Board.


1. Submissions can be in the form of:

Long Articles: 5000 to 8000 words (exclusive of footnotes); articles exceeding the word limit may be considered on merit.

Submissions under this category must present a comprehensive study of a central theme, along with the identification and analysis of related sub-themes. We appreciate interdisciplinary analysis and empirical research submissions.

Short Articles: 3000 to 5000 words (exclusive of footnotes). 

Submissions under this category must deal with contemporary legal issues. It should directly address a specific issue and must be engaging and concise.

Case Comment: 1500 to 3000 words (exclusive of footnotes).

Case comments must be analysis of judicial pronouncements and comment on implications of the judgment for evolution of that branch of law.

Book Review: 1000 to 2000 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Reviews of books relating to contemporary legal literature can be submitted under this category.

2. DNLU-JLS accepts electronic submissions in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format only. Submissions should be sent via email with Subject Title ‘DNLU JLS Submission’ to

3. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300-350 words, along with 4 keywords highlighting the theme of the research. 

4. The similarity of the paper should be within 10%. 

5. The paper submitted should be typed in Times New Roman, Font size 12, 1.15 line spacing. Headings should be in Capital letters. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font size 10, single line spacing.

6. The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and in 1.5 line spacing. Footnoting should be in accordance with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th edition. 

7. Original submissions are invited from academicians, professionals, and scholars. Submissions may be co-authored, by a maximum of two authors. However, for Book Reviews, and Case Commentary co-authorship is not allowed.

8. All submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter mentioning submission category, title of manuscript, full name of the author (s), position, Institutional affiliation and contact details of the author(s). 

9. The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author, so as to enable anonymity. 

10. The manuscript must be an original and unpublished work and must not be under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere. Copyright of all submissions selected for publication shall vest with DNLU. 

11. The Editorial Board will promptly acknowledge the receipt of the submissions. All submissions will go through peer review process, taking a minimum of 4-5 weeks post acknowledgement of receipt. Final selection of manuscripts will be made on the basis of comments received from the peer-reviewers. The authors are expected to incorporate this feedback and make necessary amendments in their manuscripts prior to publication.


The last date for submission is 23 May 2023.  Submissions sent after the deadline will not be considered for publication.

Submission can be sent to


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