Patna High Court 

Collegium recommends two judicial officers for appointment as Patna High Court judges

Bar & Bench

The Supreme Court Collegium on Tuesday recommended the elevation of two judicial officers of Bihar as judges of the Patna High Court.

The judicial officers recommended are Shashi Bhushan Prasad Singh and Ashok Kumar Pandey, as per a resolution of the Collegium uploaded on the apex court's official website.

The Patna High Court Collegium had forwarded the names of the two judicial officers to the Supreme Court Collegium on May 7 this year.

The Bihar Chief Minister and Governor also concurred with the recommendations.

In terms of the Memorandum of Procedure, the judges of the Supreme Court conversant with the affairs of the Patna High Court were consulted to ascertain the fitness and suitability of the candidates.

The inputs of Union Department of Justice were also considered.

As regards Singh, it was noted that he is presently working as Registrar (Vigilance) in the High Court. Further, he enjoys a good personal and professional image, with nothing adverse against his integrity.

The Collegium made favourable observation as regards Pandey too. He is currently the Director of the Bihar Judicial Academy.

Hence, it found both the names suitable for appointment as judges of the Patna High Court.

The top court Collegium also noted that some senior judicial officers of the State were being superseded but the High Court Collegium had provided cogent reasons for the same.

[Read Collegium resolution]

SC Collegium Resolution Sep 24 2024.pdf

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